What are blue light blocking glasses?

Progressive Eye Lens

Blue light blocking glasses are specifically designed to filter out the harmful blue-violet light rays that are commonly emitted from digital screens.

This has become an increasing concern in the modern world and here’s why:

Does this routine sound familiar?

6:30 a.m. You wake up to an alarm and immediately search for your phone.

6:31 a.m. Time to rid your phone of all those red notifications on your apps and see what you missed while you slept.

6:35 a.m. Scroll through your Instagram feed. Check out what’s trending on Twitter.

9 a.m. Get to work and turn on the computer you stare at until lunch.

12 p.m. At lunch you take a break to text some friends and read the news.

1 p.m. Between work tasks, you never miss an opportunity to hop back on social media.

5 p.m. Head home and relax by watching a show or a movie.

9 p.m. At last, when it’s time for bed, you wind down by scrolling through your feed. Maybe play one last game game or watch a few sports highlights before you finally go to sleep.

Maybe you don’t look at screens all day, but part of that description probably rings a bell. If this is the case, you’d be right in considering getting a pair of blue light computer glasses. This protective wear claims to offer relief from symptoms that go along with extended screen time.

“We are actually putting ourselves at increased risk by being outdoors in modern society and not protecting our eyes appropriately,” Dr. Shelby Temple, director of Azul Optics, said in an interview with Optometry .

Before getting a pair of blue light computer glasses, you probably have questions. Probably something along the lines of “What do blue light blocking glasses do?” To answer that question, you must know a little about blue light.

What Is Blue Light and How Does It Affect Your Eyes?

The color in the visible light spectrum ranges from blue to red. Blue light sits on the very edge of the spectrum, close to invisible UV light. Blue light is considered “high-energy visible light” (HEV). Its wavelength, much shorter when compared to colors closer to the red side of the spectrum, hits our eyes at a higher frequency.

Blue Cut Lens

The blue light that falls on the beneficial side of the line in this graphic comes from the sun. The sun’s blue light controls our sleep and wake cycles (circadian rhythm), and memory. When we expose ourselves to excessive amounts of blue light produced by digital screens, we expose our eyes to something unnatural and harmful. Current research is looking into if extended blue light exposure from our devices can cause similar changes to the retina in Age-Related Macular Degeneration that is caused by blue light from the sun. Blue light is known to cause eye strain, headaches, and disruptions in your body’s sleep cycle.

Blue light computer glasses protect your eyes from blue light, and all the symptoms that go along with it.

When to Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses

The truth is, the amount of screen time we have every day is a problem with no easy solution. According to The Vision Council, “Close to 80 percent report using digital devices, including TV, in the hour before going to sleep, with almost 55 percent in the first hour they are awake.” Your sleep cycle will surely suffer from such usage (more on that later); however, the other thing these statistics show is this:

Although minimizing your screen time would help, for many doing so has become nearly impossible. Screens are a part of our lives like never before. Screens have become your source of news, entertainment, communication, and social interaction- not to mention a tool for work. More than ever, people are working from home which can be very taxing on your eyes.

We cannot simply avoid digital screens. Instead, we must learn to find ways to protect ourselves from the potential negative effects screen use can have.

Opting to wear protective eyewear such as Blue Light Blocking Computer glasses can make a huge difference in maintaining the health of your eyes.

UV420 technology makes it possible to produce ultra-clear lenses that block high energy light from the UV spectrum up to 420 nm visible light.


UV420cut technology is used to make a UV420 lens material that cut high-energy visible (HEV) light in the 400–420 nm part of the spectrum, in addition to blocking all UV wavelengths. This means it provides greater protection against the types of light that can damage the eyes.





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